Heather (in late 50s) Global Majority, non-white
Is a believer. A Christian. She is strong willed, driven and aware of her world and surroundings. And has ambition on how she’d like to impact it. She follows things to the letter. She's an optimist, believes in seeing the glass as half-full rather than half-empty. She’s gentle. But carries an all or nothing thinking mind. Seeing things as black or white.
Joe (11) Global Majority, white
Has a big heart. Knows what he thinks but is under a lot of influence to fit into a pecking order within school life. Has a deep connection to his family even though things are really tough. Boyish but has a sense of years already. It feels like the world is against him and he needs support. Has a tendency to see a pattern based upon a single event, or being overly broad in conclusions.
Bridget Foreman's play is very clear on the heart of her characters; they live with their hearts on their sleeves. So we would love to work with actors who like to try things first on their feet. This is because the play asks for physicality as part from exploring time and relationship. So it would be great to work with actors in the room who’re open to this way of working. Cups On A String will be touring to churches in partnership with Christian charity Transforming Lives for Good. For this reason, the nature of the work requires actors who have a practicing Christian faith.
There will be an expectation for the company to undertake additional duties including the set build and dismantle in venues and support with driving of company vehicles.
York: July 29th
London: July 31st
Rates of pay in line with ITC agreements.
To apply for either of these roles, please email a recent CV and headshot to ollie@rltc.org.